Access to the resources

Access to 70% of all resources of the Open Research Lab in the cloud will be made available to all researchers in the country, on an open call basis.

The open calls will be evaluated periodically on a bimonthly level, both from a technical and a scientific point of view, and at the proposal the projects that competed for resources and fulfill the technical and scientific criteria will be enabled to use the resources from the laboratory.

The technical evaluation will be carried out by a team of experts and researchers from FINKI, who have extensive experience in implementing projects in the field of cloud computing, high-performance computing and artificial intelligence. The technical evaluation will determine

  • the relevance of the requested resources to the problem
  • the justification of the requested amount of resources
  • the availability of software and system resources required in the application

The scientific evaluation will be carried out by a team of researchers from FINKI, supplemented by researchers from other fields, depending on the field of the application. These researchers will be primarily engaged from the ranks of the scientific staff of UKIM, and if necessary, researchers from partner institutions outside the country, with which FINKI has active projects, may also be engaged. The scientific evaluation will take into account:

  • the scientific excellence and relevance of the project proposal
  • the maturity of the research team
  • the references
  • the feasibility of the project with the requested resources

In addition, the evaluation will consider factors such as involvement of young researchers in the team, as well as the gender balance.

Mandatory attribution

Users using the resources of the OSC lab need to put the following attribution at all the scientific outputs they publish using this resources:

The results presented in this paper were obtained using the resurces of the Open Science Cloud laboratory at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, co-funded by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering.