For the users

Users of this laboratory can be all researchers from the country, regardless of the scientific field in which they are researching. In order to facilitate their access to this infrastructure, it is planned to hold regular trainings, which will be aimed both at the use of the infrastructure and at modern scientific flows in connection with open science, FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data. These trainings will be organized in cooperation with the current EOSC H2020 related projects in which FINKI, UKIM are currently actively participating:

  • NI4OS-Europe
  • EuroCC
  • Skills4EOSC
  • EuroCC2
  • EOSC Beyond

The lab will also provide access to high-performance processing infrastructure. Within the current project of the H2020 EuroCC program, FINKI at UKIM has established itself as a national center of excellence for high-performance processing, high-performance data analysis and artificial intelligence (HPC, HPDA and AI), within which a large number of of activities to strengthen the potential for the use of these technologies, development of training materials as well as activities for the use of these advanced technologies by the industry.

Access to the laboratory’s resources will be performed through open calls.